Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Etsy Treasury

Sunday morning I waited patiently and got only my second Etsy treasury ever. I was inspired by one of my favorite Alice Walker books, A Poem Traveled Down My Arm, which is what I named the treasury. You can check out the treasury by clicking on the link or title of this post. I chose poetry-related items...some included poems, some were named after poems, and some just felt poetic to me. The treasury has gotten some nice comments. Several people have said it is the best treasury they've seen in a long time. I'm so happy that everyone likes it, and it has encouraged me to work hard to snag more treasuries. It helps a lot that I have a computer and internet access at home now (thanks to NB).

Of course, I never could have made such a beautiful treasury without the many talented artists and crafters selling their wares on Etsy. I had a few items in mind for the treasury that I had already seen. But I found lots of other lovely things when I searched for some more things to complete the treasury.

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