Monday, December 1, 2008

Super Busy

So I just realized that it has been a very long time since I have posted any blogs. I have been pretty busy the past few months and had to deal with some trying things, so I haven't really had a whole lot to write about lately. I'm not a big fan of the confessional blog, so I didn't really want to write about the personal stuff I was going through. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm totally an open book with people in person; people who just meet me know my life story 5 minutes later (okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but not much). But the whole blogging thing is just so impersonal that I don't feel comfortable writing super personal stuff on here. Plus, people I could be writing about could easily come across my blog, and I just wouldn't want anyone to think that I'm out here sharing things that are also their personal things.

Anyway, since I was spending some time dealing with my feelings about some personal stuff, reading a lot, and busily working on projects to get ready for some craft shows, I just couldn't really think of anything to write about. But I have a few things now, so there will actually be several posts over the next few days. I guess I will make up for not posting for like a month and a half.

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