Thursday, September 11, 2008

Insulting Jennifer Aniston

I don't really follow celebrity gossip or pay much attention to what is going on in the lives of stars. My own life is much more interesting to me, which is how I think it should be, and I have much better things to do with my time.

However, a story on Yahoo today caught my attention because it was about how Halle Berry looks good being part of a couple while Jennifer Aniston looks good single. Okay, yeah, they are both beautiful woman who make a living looking good. Curious about what the story said, I clicked on the link, which took me to this story on OMG.

Here's what the caption under Jennifer Aniston's picture says: "She can't score a hit at the box office, and she couldn't hang on to that slippery John Mayer, but we have to give Jennifer Aniston some much-deserved credit. Why? Look at her!"

Um talk about a backhanded compliment! Again, I don't follow celebrity lives or gossip, so I have no idea what happened between Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer. Actually the only two people who probably REALLY know what happened are Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer. But um, hello, maybe she didn't WANT to hold on to him. Maybe she did the breaking up. And even if she didn't this totally makes it sound like there is something wrong with her, like she "can't hold onto a man." This really pisses me off. The implication that a woman whose relationship ends for whatever reason automatically has something wrong with her is ridiculous. And she only gets credit for how she looks? Yes, I realize the article is titled 2 Hot 2 Handle, and I shouldn't have had high expections. But I think this is not only insulting to Jennifer Aniston, but to ALL single women. To all women. No wonder so many young girls and women have self esteem issues.

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