Saturday, September 6, 2008

Perfect Day

So I babysat my nieces most of the day and all evening today. We drove in and picked up my sister, and we all went to the zoo. As I was driving them home this evening, listening to For the Kids 3 (which I gave my niece for her 4th birthday) and listening to my niece tell me things, I was thinking about what a great day it was. It wasn't anything unusual...I've been to the zoo with them before. It was just the idea that it was a perfect day because I didn't want to be anywhere else or doing anything else except exactly what I was doing.

Then I started thinking about love and what it does to you (or actually, to me). I mean, even though those girls aren't mine, I love them in a way that I couldn't ever express. And when you love someone that way, in a completely selfless, would do anything for them with no thought for yourself kind of way, it really has a profound affect on your heart. It makes me feel like my heart is completely open, vulnerable and easily broken yet at the same time immeasurably strong. Not having any of my own children, I can only imagine what it must feel like when the kids are your own. If what I feel is only a tiny bit of what it feels like to have your own kids, then I can certainly understand the quote by someone (who I can't remember at the moment and am too tired to look up) about how having kids is to forever have your heart walking around outside your body. I just wish that I could carry that feeling around with me all the time. But I don't know if humans are built for that, to feel like your heart is breaking and being mended all at the same time. Since I belive that God is Love, I think it is the closest to God I'll ever feel.

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